Ford Cambodia | Build your Ford

Build & Price

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{{ vehicle.label }} {{ modelLabel }}

Build & Price – Select Vehicles

Drive Away Price

{{ priceFormat(totalPrice) }}
  • Base MSRP

    {{ priceFormat(basePrice, currency) }}
  • Total Selected Features

    {{ priceFormat(totalPrice - basePrice, currency, '', '' ,'nozero') }}
  • Total Price

    {{ priceFormat(totalPrice, currency, '', '' ,'') }}

{{ model.label }}

{{ model.price === "included" ? priceFormat(model.price, currency, true, modelPricingFormat, priceReplaceKey) : priceFormat(model.price, currency, false, modelPricingFormat, priceReplaceKey) }}


{{ drive.featureName }}

{{ drive.cost === "included" ? priceFormat(drive.cost, currency, true, drivePricingFormat, priceReplaceKey) : priceFormat(drive.cost, currency, false, drivePricingFormat, priceReplaceKey) }}


{{ item.featureName }}

{{ item.cost === "included" ? priceFormat(item.cost, currency, true, colorTrimPricingFormat, priceReplaceKey) : priceFormat(item.cost, currency, false, colorTrimPricingFormat, priceReplaceKey) }}


{{ item.featureName }}

{{ item.cost === "included" ? priceFormat(item.cost, currency, true, colorTrimPricingFormat, priceReplaceKey) : priceFormat(item.cost, currency, false, colorTrimPricingFormat, priceReplaceKey) }}


{{ item.featureName }}

{{ item.cost === "included" ? priceFormat(item.cost, currency, true, accPricingFormat, priceReplaceKey) : priceFormat(item.cost, currency, false, accPricingFormat, priceReplaceKey) }}

  • {{tab.title}}